- > RRCs > KNRRC Project
- KNRRC Project
- KNRRC Project
- The "Korea National Research Resources Center" project is supported by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning(MSIP) and
National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) since 1995. At present, Korea National Research Resource Center(KNRRC) consists of
5 research resource center(RRC) of special purpose, 31 RRCs, 5 core centers(human-originated resources, animals, plants,
microorganisms, and fusion-matters) and the headquarters
- RRCs supply various resources and accept deposition for preservation and distribution. Also, RRCs provide consulting services and
conduct researches
- Purpose
- - Leading the creative scientific technology by securing and providing reliable resources and associated information
- Promotion of scientific researches and practical applications by establishing a support system for researchers in academia and
in industry
- History
- Organization